Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Compound Effect

Baby steps aren't only for babies.

A baby's first steps have the potential to someday take that baby across the finish line of a marathon. But it takes time and of course, a determined course of action to keep moving forward--literally.

This principle of adding up small 'steps' to create a larger value is called the compound effect.

Here's a quick way to remember that little things really do matter.

If I were to ask you if you wanted a the value of a penny doubled every day for 30 days or 1 million dollars right now, which would you choose?

The large amount of cash sounds tempting but it isn't the best value. A penny doubled every day for a month adds up to $5,368,709.20.

Waiting a month for more than 5 million dollars doesn't sound so bad, does it?

Now, think about how the compound effect can help you achieve your life's goals. What can you do every single day to write your 'story' and have the life that you were destined to live?

I have decided to write every day. I smile whenever someone says, "A penny for your thoughts."

I know exactly how all those pennies are adding up in my life.

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