Monday, January 5, 2015

Crushed by Choices?

I wonder how many times we make choices each day. From choosing what to eat for breakfast to deciding when to change lines on the highway.

Those kinds of choices all have an immediate result, but when we have to choose to move our life's 'story' forward, we can become intellectually paralyzed by the choices.

Do we need a certain degree? Or make more money? Or move to another location? These choices carry more of a risk and have no immediate benefit.

So, how do we achieve our goals?

Our ability to choose comes from within. Think of your heart beating. You are doing nothing to promote that action but it has been programmed since your conception.

So has your 'story.' You are uniquely designed to accomplish something in this world.

Take a deep breath and trust your heart to help you make the best choices.

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