Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fear of Success?

If I were to give you a ticket to either your life 'story' unfolded and in glorious 3D Technicolor or a ticket to a seminar that teaches the skills needed to achieve your life's goals, what would you choose?

Hmmm...I bet you thought about attending that seminar, didn't you?

Fear of success can be a paralyzing source of resistance. And I don't mean moderate success. I am talking about mind-blowing, I-can't-believe-this-is-really-happening-to-me success.

For some awful reason, we tend to be shy of accomplishing something on a grand scale. It may be due to our innate fear of being vulnerable. We want certain things in our lives, but to do so means putting ourselves "out there" for everyone to see. And, yes, possibly to criticize or critique.

But there are absolutely no shortcuts around this dilemma. The only remedy for the fear is to move forward. Make the love for your life 'story' your armor.

Start today. Tell at least one person what your life 'story' is about.

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