Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Square Peg and Round Hole

This is one of my favorite ideas.

Here's a little background on the origin of this expression:

Square peg in a round hole: 
     Its origin is attributed to 19th century British philosopher and cleric, Sydney Smith. This phrase usually refers to a person who doesn't fit into the corporate culture and therefore stands little chance of corporate advancement. 

I see that this concept can be applied to a wider area, like life.

A square peg doesn't fit into the round hole simply because that's not the place for it.

In life, we all have places and futures that have been carved out for us. If we find we are not fitting into our 'spots' perhaps we are looking at the wrong 'spots.'

If you are feeling frustrated, fearful, or angry, you may be trying too hard to be someone you are not.

Life isn't meant to be a struggle. It should be as natural as breathing and blinking.

Don't force yourself into your future; you will fit once you trust your place in the Universe.

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