Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sound the Alarm!

As we all know, an alarm is usually a loud noise that causes us to take action.

The word "alarm" was derived from the idea of "calling to arms" or being ready to defend home or property.

Today, we are literally surrounded by alarms.

Our days start with an alarm to wake us up. (Probably followed by the snooze button.)

Then we lock up our homes and set the alarm.

We deactivate the alarms in our cars and drive off.

And depending on where we go throughout the day, we can pass through metal detectors, shoplifting sensors in stores, or even start the dogs barking in the neighborhood. All of these are alarms that watch for anything that is not normal or acceptable.

Do you know that there is a built-in alarm set for writing your life story?

Have you every felt like you were missing something, or maybe you just knew there was more to life than what you are now living?

If you said, "yes" then you heard the alarm go off.

Alarms are meant to move us into action. When you feel restless or unfulfilled, that's your alarm telling you to get back on course and write your life story.

Live the life you were meant to in total confidence.

There is no snooze button here.

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