Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lose Weight- 100% Guaranteed

Today I will give you a sure-fire way to lose weight. Immediately.

Oh, I see I have your full attention. Perhaps this would be a good time to tell you that the 'weight' I am talking about is in your mind.

Specially, the 'weights' that stop you from living the life you were meant to.

Today, I want you to find a quiet spot where you can think. And when your mind starts talking about all the negative things in your life and how you will never fulfill your goals, I want you to talk back.

Yes, have a conversation with yourself. Don't worry, no one else will hear it.

Tell your mind to drop the discouragement, heave out the hopelessness, and fling away the fear. 

Imagine all of these weights going into some cosmic landfill.

Remember this most liberating (and slimming!) thought: 

You are in full control of everything you think.

That means you do not have to be discouraged, hopeless, or fearful.

Lose those weights today. 


  1. When I start thinking negative things I pray :) Most of the time was at work

  2. Prayer is the perfect thing to do. :)
