Monday, April 27, 2015

No Joy?

"No Joy" is an expression pilots use and it means 'failure to make visual sighting, or inability to establish radio communications.'

In layman's terms, it's more like the pilot saying, "I don't see it." And it should be seen.

Isn't it an interesting coincidence that when we are not living in success and abundance, we may often say we have no joy? I'm sure you know what I mean-- that nagging feeling that there is something you are missing.

If you can't see your goals taking shape or if you know that your life story is not being written as it should be, you are like that pilot looking for something but not seeing it.

But here's something to remember--your life story is still there even though you may not 'see' it at times. Just like the pilot looking for a landmark.

If you were flying a plane, to correct this problem you would change your course. 

In life, you can change your perspective.

Remain positive that there is a wonderful future waiting for you, and it will be seen.

"No joy" doesn't mean "No way." 

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