Thursday, April 2, 2015

Smile at Those Shadows!

If you think shadows are scary things, think again. By the time you are finished reading this post, you will be happily looking for your shadow.

Let's start with the definition:

Shadow: "a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface"

First of all, a shadow represents a real thing. 

Secondly, it is near the real thing it represents.

And lastly, a shadow can be seen.

So, how does this affect you writing your life story?

In your life, the shadows I want you to see today are glimpses of the skills, qualities, and attributes that make up your life story. 

Did someone compliment you on your writing? Or maybe your razor-sharp thinking that handled a situation perfectly? Perhaps you were noticed for your speaking ability and the way your presence captures an audience? 

These are all shadows of your success. They will be as individual and as meaningful as your life story.

Shadows also represent real things. Yes, you have real skills and real power to complete your life's quest and achieve your goals.

And shadows can be seen. Actually, in this case, heard and felt as well.

Be aware of the shadows that remind you of the life story you are writing.

Smile at those shadows; they signal your success.

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