Sunday, May 3, 2015

What Are You Downloading?

We're all familiar with downloading data or software, but we may not realize what else we are 'downloading.'

When we watch the news, we download not only the facts but also a perspective.

In conversations with friends, we download their opinions.

At work, we download the office protocol.

Is it any wonder we have so many conflicting thoughts racing through our minds every day?

Just like we need time every day to eat and sleep, we also must take time to think. And, no, I am not talking about having random thoughts; I mean a concentrated period of quality thinking.

Start small with only five minutes a day. Get into a quiet place and clear your mind. Think of it as clearing your browser's history.

Then, concentrate on your life story.

Download ideas about moving forward. Remind yourself of your goals and dreams.

Your mind is similar to your computer's hard drive, but it's much more efficient and complex.

Guard your mind from negative thoughts. (Sort of like installing virus protection on your computer.)

Whatever you download or accept into your mind is a choice. (Just like clicking the 'download now' icon.)

Be mindful of what goes into your mind; thoughts have power.

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