Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Stay in Your Lane

There are certain things in our society that help us.

Like all those lines painted on the roads. They tell you which lane to drive in.

Which is especially useful when you are traveling at a fast speed along a highway.

Most drivers understand the importance of staying in their own lanes. That's why we can confidently share the road with other cars. We expect them to obey the lines on the road to insure safety for everyone.

When writing your life story, you have also been assigned a 'lane.' Yep, it's called your life.

Sometimes, it may be tempting to look at other people's 'lanes' and think they are moving faster or better than we are. But changing lanes isn't the best option.

When you work within the parameters of your life, (read this as: tap into the amazing and limitless resources the Universe set aside for you!) you will get to your destination (goal) just fine.

Don't be a lane changer; change your perspective instead.

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