Monday, May 4, 2015

The Birds and the Bees

No, this post isn't about reproducing; rather, it's about producing-- the life you were meant to have.

Birds and bees are the symbol of the continuity of life. Their actions in nature highlight the certainty of life and the results of living according to one's purpose.

Birds and bees don't make excuses or look for ways to disarm their destinies.

And let's face it, if I were a bee I would be worrying about the toxic effect of Monsanto's chemicals in my environment. Birds, on the other hand, could just as easily hide in their nests their whole lives since there is a real danger of hawks and hungry cats.

But birds and bees continue to do what birds and bees have done for centuries.

And if they can live purposeful lives, (despite some very real odds against them) so can you.

Write your life story with confidence; it really is a fact of life.

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