Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Blue Moon is Coming!

The phrase "once in a blue moon" means something is rare or doesn't happen very often.

Tomorrow night, we will see a rare event in the sky. On July 31, there will be the second full moon of the month. The last time this happened was in August 2012.

Every month has a full month, but since the lunar cycle and the calendar year aren't perfectly matched, about every three years we get two full moons in one month.

But, no, it won't really be blue; that's just the name it was given to differentiate it from the 'regular' full moon of the month.

When you see the blue moon tomorrow night, remember this one life-changing fact:

Blue moons happen.

They may be rare but they do happen.

Keep that in mind when you write your life story.

You can do it.

Look for all of life's possibilities; they are there waiting for you.

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