Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fun House Mirrors

Fun house mirrors use a simple bit of science.

By setting up concave or convex mirrors, the light that is reflected off them and back to the eyes creates a distorted image of reality. 

The eyes 'think' that the image of you (that is distorted) is real. That image is sent to the brain, you see it, and believe it. 

Okay, you know that the crazy fun house image isn't really you, but how would prove it to your mind?

Your mind uses images to process thoughts. It 'sees' a distorted view of yourself and that becomes reality to the mind.

In a fun house, all you need to do is step away from the mirror and reality resumes.

In real life, you need to stop holding distortions of yourself.

I'm not good enough.

I can't achieve my goals.

I have too many problems and obstacles in my way.

These are all distortions that send a false image to the mind.

Step away from these false thoughts and start living in reality.

You can do it.

You will live an extraordinary life.

Write your life story in reality.

Believe me, it's fun.

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