Friday, July 10, 2015

Do You Believe in Magic?

Here is one definition of magic:

    ...the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces

I like my own definition better:

Magic is a mindset.

Magic is a way of looking at events that happen to you, other people, or the world in general.

It's a way for you to believe in something that you may not be able to understand logically.

At one time, primitive cultures considered fire and the solar eclipse forms of magic. Today, we have perfectly good scientific explanations for these things.

Yet, science can't really explain everything in our world. Like how birds migrate without a GPS or why we have gravity.

What's reassuring is that we don't need to know the explanation of something for it to work. 

That's quite a relief, especially when we think about gravity. I don't fully understand it, but I use it every day.

When writing your life story, you will have times when you seriously don't know how to accomplish your unique dreams and goals.

Rather than trying to figure it out, I suggest just go on living and looking for opportunities.

Just like gravity supports every step you take,  the 'magic' of your dreams will move you forward into the life you were destined for.

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