Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Pi Day! (Once in a Century Celebration!)

Pi Day is the unofficial holiday that celebrates the mathematical constant pi.

Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter with the value being approximately equal to 3.14159265. But because it's an irrational number, the decimal representation never ends or repeats.

Hmmm....remember that thought for a moment, okay?

Pi Day is always celebrated on March 14 (3/14). but this year things are a bit more interesting.

Today is 3/14/15, the first five numbers of pi.

But, even more amazing is that at 9:26:53 am and 9:26:53 pm the date and time will exactly correspond to the first 10 digits pf pi: 3.141592653. People are calling this Pi Second.

This only comes along in every 100 years!

Okay, what does that mean for you and your life 'story?'

I want you to think about pi and its infinite nature.

But not only does the decimal representation never end, they never repeat a sequence.

Pi is not only infinite but extraordinarily creative (for a number, that is!)

Now, you are greater than a number, right? Do you see the infinite and creative possibilities in your life today?

Go out and celebrate Pi by doing something that only you can do.

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