Thursday, February 12, 2015

Which Came First: The Chicken or the Egg?

Ah, an age-old question with each side claiming the right answer!

I want to look at this question from the perspective of writing your life 'story'.

Which comes first: your desire to achieve a specific goal or you receiving the resources to be able to achieve that goal?

Hmmm...good question, isn't it? Usually, the scenario is that you think of a goal and get excited about it. But then you may stop to analyze all the steps involved and decide that you first need....more time...better skills...or (fill in the blank.)

The correct answer is that when you realize what your life goal is you are already perfectly equipped to fulfill it.

Your life 'story' is not like a lottery ticket that may or may not pay out.

Instead, once your 'story' enters your mind, the forces of the Universe prepare a banquet with everything you need.

In the case of the chicken and the egg question, the egg has the potential to become a chicken and lay more eggs, while the chicken can lay eggs which have the potential to become more chickens.

The key is in the potential.

And the potential is already in you.

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