Monday, February 2, 2015

The Magic of a Snow Day

Weren't snow days more fun when you were a child?

Snow was magical then. It was a time to build snowmen and snow forts and sleigh ride down hills for hours.

But when you became an adult, snow meant shoveling and driving on icy streets, hoping you don't get into an accident. 

What happened to the magic of snow?

Actually, it's still there. Snow will always transform a landscape into sparkling whiteness. 

The difference is how you see it. Somewhere along the way, you stopped seeing the magic. And that's a shame.

Often, after we move beyond our childhood years, we  lose our sense of wonder and see only the work. 

Perhaps snow is meant to remind us of a happier, more carefree way of looking at things. 

Your life 'story' is full of magic and wonderment too. Never lose sight of the fact that you have a unique purpose in this world.  Stop looking at the obstacles; search out opportunities instead. 

The next time it snows, look up, open your mouth and catch a couple of snowflakes on your tongue. 

Savor the magic!

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