Thursday, August 6, 2015

Time Travel, Anyone?

Have you ever traveled back in time? Or maybe forward?

Did you just adamantly shake your head 'no' while thinking this whole time travelling thing is a bunch of nonsense?

Hmmm....let's see about that.

Today, I would like you to try a little experiment to test your time travelling abilities.

Throughout the day, conduct random tests to see if you are traveling in time. Periodically, stop whatever you are doing (okay don't try this while driving or running heavy machinery) and examine whatever thought is going through your mind at that moment.

Are you thinking about something in the past? Maybe that argument you had with your friend/co-worker/neighbor/barista?

Perhaps your thoughts were on next month's important meeting/speech/family gathering/legal problem you are having. Were you thinking about what to wear/say/get out of it?

Or were you in the moment? Were you totally engaged in whatever you were doing/saying?

Whenever you are not thinking in the present time, you are time traveling.

When you think about past or future events, watch how you feel. If the event is stressful, you will show physical signs of stress (rapid heartbeat, pupils dilated, increased blood pressure) even though you are not physically there.

Your body may still be in the present time, but if your thoughts are elsewhere, you can be considered a time traveler.

This is not good for you writing your life story. Don't waste the moments of today.

The past no longer exists, and when you enter it through your thoughts, you are experiencing the same emotions you did back then.

Live only exists in the 'now.'

Be there.

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