Monday, August 17, 2015

Heat Wave!

Yes, it's August, and time for a heat wave.

While the temperatures soar to 100, the sun takes a starring role in our days. The heat will be the topic of most conversations and the television news will show people trying to cool off.

Isn't it amazing that for a large part of the year, the sun is 'just there.' It shows up in the morning and tucks away at night.

It gives us plenty of light and the occasional heat wave when the atmospheric conditions and the rotational angle of the Earth line up.

The sun is extraordinarily powerful (just like you) and can impact the lives of many people (just like you).

Thankfully, this heat wave will only show us a small fraction of the sun's power.

Keep this in mind when you're writing your life story:

You have access to the limitless resources of the Universe.

The same Universe that powers the sun, powers you.


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