Sunday, November 29, 2015

Are You Playing Blind Man's Bluff?

If you are not familiar with the child's game of Blind Man's Bluff, here's how it works:

Someone is "It" and is blindfolded. That person must tag another player and then that player is "It."

The problem, of course, is the blindfold. It's very difficult to find someone when you can't see.

Many people feel life is like that: they are 'blind' to the path they need to follow and waste a lot of time running around.

But life doesn't have to be like that.

In the child's game, being blindfolded causes the player to listen.

In life, we need to listen too.

Go to a quiet place and close your eyes. Relax.

Think of your goals and dreams.

Imagine ways of achieving them.

"See" yourself succeeding.

Just like the player who is "It" will sense a movement that someone is nearby to tag, so will you sense the direction you need to take.

It will happen if you stop and listen. 

That's how to write your life story.

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