Thursday, March 5, 2015

What's Your Good News?

Yesterday's post was about the power of thoughts to create things. (And I remind you that this has a basis in quantum physics.)

Did you try the experiment I mentioned? If not, please do. It is absolutely amazing.

Here's the link again:

After posting yesterday's blog, I made a phone call to a friend and got some good news.

The company where I work is relocating and our last day was scheduled to be April 15. But my friend heard there is a glitch in the relocation process and our last day will now be sometime in May.

That's good news for me since I have extra time to find a new job.

But I am going to take my powerful positive thinking one step further and actually create a new job for myself.

Hey, why not?

Stay tuned. This is definitely going to be interesting.

Tomorrow, I will tell you how the medical field is using positive thoughts to heal. Until then, keep your good thoughts coming!

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