What comes to your mind when you think of precipitation?
Rain? Snow? Sleet?
The type of precipitation depends on several factors, like temperature, regional elevation, and the speed and direction of air masses.
It's amazing to think that from the same sky comes a welcome, gentle rain or a blizzard of epic proportions.
But this same principle is found in other areas of life as well.
Just like the different types of precipitation are made up of various elements, your 'story' will reflect the elements that make up your life. These include your attitude, experiences, and the direction in which you are moving, (forward toward a goal or looking back in anger, remorse or regret).
The good news is that your can positively impact your 'story.'
Start each day with the intention of living your unique purpose. Maintain a positive attitude and don't look back at what you could have done or should have done.
We hold a great deal of power to create the type of life we were meant to live.
Intentionally choose the best things to put into your life and the outcome will be awesome.
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